Persuasion Lab explores methodological, aesthetic and discursive responses to understand the informational turn in propaganda and influence
Persuasion Lab explores methodological, aesthetic and discursive responses to understand the informational turn in propaganda and influence
Advertising marketplaces have become coincident with information environments. This has transformed the quality of information we receive, the solidarities we are able to forge, and the material choices before us. Persuasion Lab studies these new paradigms of influence and propaganda created at the intersection of computation and capital.
collection and liberation of advertising data
Political advertising transparency is a framework that is designed to hide more than it reveals. Through a systematic collection and liberation of political advertising data, we create a parallel archive that is beyond the control and stewardship of advertising platforms, and construct a novel method to study the data and the framework.
interfaces with curated political advertisement datasets
The lab creates interfaces for browsing curated datasets of political advertisements collected from FACEBOOK Inc. The interfaces include ads from 98 countries that Facebook does not make available, elections-focussed datasets in 39 countries and thematic datasets around COVID-19 pandemic and the climate crisis.
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