
interfaces with curated political advertisement datasets

At the lab, we design interfaces and visualise a selection of FACEBOOK Inc. datasets. Use them to understand the landscape of ads delivered in your countries of interest, or to familiarise yourself with the data parameters.

In the map below, we record disparities in political ads transparency across countries. These disparities mirror existing geopolitical power entanglements, as well as more recent considerations

for platforms, like strength of new markets, or threat of regulation, that shape such priorities. Visit the Stories section to find examples where we use the interfaces to answer specific questions.

political advertising opacity

transparency information is only available for a selection of countries

negative space

browse comprehensive datasets of FACEBOOK Inc. political advertisements in 98 countries where the company does not care to match its own standards of transparency


browse datasets of FACEBOOK Inc. political advertisements of major political actors in 39 countries, collected in the context of 2019 elections across the world


browse thematic datasets of FACEBOOK Inc. political advertisements collected through keywords


The lab collects political ads data about the COVID-19 pandemic. These ads include calls for mutual aid, public health information bulletins, conspiracy theories and more. The pandemic has accentuated the reliance placed by different actors on social media advertising channels.

Climate crisis

The lab collects political ads data about the climate crises. These ads include greenwashing campaigns by big polluters, mobilisation for relief work by volunteers, strategic communications by industry lobby groups etc. Ads about the climate are unique because they include rare instances where Facebook considers commercial ads as political.


browse to see how we answer the following questions with the data